After a 2.5 year hiatus, due to you know what, Pinot Palooza returned in 2022 to celebrate 10 years of the festival. And return it did as we hit the East Coast of Australia reaching not only record attendance numbers but, perhaps most importantly, sales on the day.
2022 also saw a new session based format and a deliberate move away from the ‘Pinot MoshPit’ of the event of old. As fun as that was, and post pandemic, this year was an opportunity to return to our ‘pinot roots’ and focus directly on the connections between people and producers.
The result?
Over 14,000 bottles of Pinot Noir were sold on event days alone and that’s not including ongoing sales from wine clubs, subscriptions and the like.
Pinot Palooza was back, baby!
In this event wrap up, we'll share with you a heap of the facts, stats and insights that made up the event.
There is a lot here so relax, get comfortable, grab a glass of wine and let's get into it!
But to put it mildly ... 👇🏻
"Pinot Palooza is now an 8750+ person audit on the current state of play of Pinot Noir on the East Coast of Australia" DAN SIMS

We moved the event to our new ‘home’ at The Timber Yard in Port Melbourne and whilst it was the first major event we’ve held in the space, it quickly became clear it won’t be our last.
A custom built event venue, it gives us loads of flexibility and as we move back to our ‘traditional’ time of year, the outside areas will truly come into play especially at dusk.
Spend per head was slightly lower than other cities just below $100 however we saw a much even spread of sales between each region
Peoples joined us
avg spend per person
(up 35% from 2019)
wineries exhibited

Sheesh. It was great to be back in Brisbane and didn’t they show up to BUY. Brisbane has historically been the highest spend per head of all cities and it didn’t disappoint with the average being $116pp. The Tasmanian activation truly came into its own making up 53% of all sales on the day which is an epic result and testament to the region.
As for attendance, we smashed 2019 numbers seeing an increase of 50% which was epic. Even better, we have more room to move and continue to grow.
Attendees joined us!
(up 50% on 2019)
avg spend per person
(up 20% on 2019)
wineries exhibited
The final stop of the tour, Sydney certainly brought it home with not only record numbers, but the party itself (how good is the Hot Potato Band!). For us personally, it was a wonderful way to wrap up the tour seeing loads of people engaging with you all and having a heck of a lot of fun doing it. I may have cried out ‘Now THIS is Pinot Palooza!’
What made it even better was they came to buy wine making up 74% of all sales; the highest of all cities.
Attendees joined us!
(up 15% on 2019)
avg spend per person
(up 33% on 2019)
wineries exhibited

MOULD x Pinot Palooza
Seeing it was our first time in Tasmania, we thought why bring one event when we can bring two! So we combined both our cheese festival, MOULD, with Pinot Palooza for the very first time. The purpose of this model was to enable us to service the smaller capital cities whilst still attracting the attendee numbers to make it worthwhile.
Seeing it was our first time in Tasmania, we thought why bring one event when we can bring two! So we combined both our cheese festival, MOULD, with Pinot Palooza for the very first time. The purpose of this model was to enable us to service the smaller capital cities whilst still attracting the attendee numbers to make it worthwhile.
The result?
A great start indeed and has given us all the confidence to take this to Perth next year. Average sales per wine vendor were higher than previous events as we encouraged producers to sell wine by the glass (as there was no wine bar). Important to note as well, these averages were based on only 1600 people. In Perth, we're expecting 2500 which will further increase sales opportunities. In short, we feel we're onto something here and encourage you all to join us in the west next year.
Attendees joined us
avg sales per vendor
(20% higher than the main event average)
avg spend pp

Over the 10 years, Pinot Palooza has unapologetically, and consistently, attracted a younger audience with up to 55% of attendees under the age of 35 with 55% women. 2022 was no difference however, being 10 years young, much of our audience has grown with us as we’re now seeing the 35-45 age group increasing slightly.
What does this mean?
In short, 75% of our audience are under the age of 45 and are clearly looking for greater connections to wineries in not only experiences, but wine.
And we saw that reflected in the sales.
Whilst the audience in cities like Brisbane is slightly skewed older, its only by 5%.
Under the age of 35
under the age of 45
Women in the under 35 age group

Never before have we had such greater insights into what has been happening on the day thanks to not only sales on the day, but the People’s Choice app and more.
We've a huge amount of insights and whilst we may be at risk of ‘analysis paralysis’, there is a lot to digest and worth taking the time to ponder.
NOTE: These are from on day sales only and does not include on going from wine club sign ups and more.
Pinot Palooza is now a 6000 person audit of the current state of play of Pinot Noir on the east coast of Australia. The sales data alone offer insights into style preference, regional popularity and, perhaps most importantly, when a region rallies together, our audience responds in kind. Very enthusiastically.
joined us on event days
average spend per person
spent on wine per person
Bottles of wine sold on event days
Average RRP of wine sold
average sales per vendor per city
(Up 35% on 2019!)
1.7 Bottles
purchased per person
different Pinot Noirs were on tasting
wine regions were represented
Spent Per Person on Tasmania Products
If you'd like to get into the nitty gritty and deep dive into the results per city, follow the link below!
Spreading the good Pinot Noir word was critical to the event's success and thanks to our agency, Common State, they delivered in spades.
With over 84 pieces of media across 47 separate print, online and broadcast outlets across Australia, we even got TV coverage in each city; a first for the event.
To add to that, we note the coverage from the TASMANIAN activation as our ‘feature’ region to highlight the benefits of a collaborative and partnered approach.
Never before has the event had such broad and comprehensive coverage with prime time TV spots in all capital cities.
Cumulative PR reach
unique pieces of media
national news TV spots
Cumulative reach for the TASMANIAN activation
unique media mentions of the TASMANIAN activation

In another first for the event, we partnered with Trade Tasmania to make TASMANIA our feature region for 2022.
The key objectives were simple;
– Spotlight Tasmanian wine, beverage & food producers to the Pinot Palooza audience, and trade audience
– Encourage sales and engagement to ultimately drive visitation and brand loyalty to Tasmanian producers and to
– Raise awareness by elevating the presence of Tasmanian producers at Pinot Palooza events and throughout the associated marketing campaign
Pinot Palooza unequivocally delivered the objectives,
As a feature region, TASMANIA was able to fully leverage their investment well beyond their cash contribution.
In all, the region received a two point seven times ROI via direct producer sales on the day without taking into account ongoing sales.
This is a case study highlighting how state, and or regional bodies, can directly support participating wineries, to deliver not only awareness, but direct wine sales.
By participating in, and leveraging, the marketing of the Pinot Palooza event, it help make TASMANIA front of mind for attendees on event day. This subsequently meant high engagement with participating wineries and direct sales.
Average sales per Tasmanian wine producer
30% higher than the event average
of all purchases on event day were TASMANIAN
average RRP of Tasmanian Pinot Noir sold
20% higher than the event average
of all wine sales were TASMANIAN
Cumulative reach from 56 PR mentions

The People’s Choice has always been a much converted award offering loads of insights into wine drinker trends, regions, personalities and more.
This year, we went full digital with web based app where attendees could download and not only vote for their favourite producer on the day, but add / ‘like’ wines they tried to create their very own pinto playlist that could be emailed to them afterwards.
Over 40% of attendees used the app which offered even more insights to preferences on the day. But of course, there could only be one and it was …
Gippsland, Vic
Central Otago, New Zealand
1. MEADOWBANK (Tasmania)
2. MEWSTONE (Tasmania)
3. CHARTERIS (Central Otago, NZ)
4. AMISFIELD (Central Otago, NZ)
5. CRAGGY RANGE (Martinborough, NZ)

As we look towards 2023, we return to our ‘traditional’ spring time of year with the tour kicking off early October as we hit the east coast cities.
We start the East Coast Tour in Sydney to ensure we miss the large South x South West Festival. Then we head to Brisbane and wrap up the tour in Melbourne towards the end of the month.
JAPAN and beyond
We love all of these countries and we hope to return sometime soon. But with travel still not quite back to its former glory (service as well as affordability), we’ll be focusing on the domestic Australian market for now however, we will look to do smaller ‘UnPlugged” events in Singapore (and or Tokyo) if the interest is there.
MOULD X Pinot Palooza
MOULD x Pinot Palooza is hybrid event concept which allows us to visit other, smaller capital cities. By combining both brands, this event model allows us to not only increase attendance capacity without having to compromise the overall integrity and event experience for both producer and guest alike. It also means greater sales for each individual brand.
We trialed this format in Hobart late October 2022 and the results have given us the confidence to expand this to Perth in August 2023.
Perth is a highly valuable, under serviced city and we strongly encourage you to join us.
There are no stand fees for this event as we do a commission on sales model (like we do for MOULD) and strongly encourage each winery outlet to run their stand as not only as an activation, but as a wine bar.
These hybrid events are likely to be bi-annual affairs opposed to the east coast ‘annual’ tour.
Simply register your interest via the link below and we'll be in touch with further details.

In September this year, we launched our Pinot Palooza Club which is a monthly (or bi-monthly) wine subscription service. Very much based along the lines of our MOULD CHEESE COLLECTIVE, the intent with the club is to continue to spread the good word about incredible Pinot Noir to our audience on a monthly basis.
Each month we feature a different region and as we grow, we’ll look to do smaller, one off, producer (or region) based smaller tastings throughout the year.
Think of this as our VIP Wine Club who are not just dedicated event goers, but Pinot Noir lovers in their own right.
So, if you’re coming to town, talk to us.
We’d love to get our collective group in front of you.
PLUS, each member receives a special PINOT PALOOZA MEDALLION upon sign up which enables a bunch of special 'event day perks'. Plus, its a great way to identify the dedicated Pinot lovers on event day. If they show you the medallion, it might be worth showing them whats under the table!
And yes, these were curated very much based upon the PEOPLE'S CHOICE VOTES and MOST POPULAR WINE REGIONS from the event!

COOL! This is all great and stuff but what does it all mean, right?
Well, quite a lot TBH. What we hope this report helps articulate how Pinot Palooza has evolved from not just a 'Pinot Noir Party', but an effective 'pop up' cellar door for participating wineries in each capital city.
It also reinforces the move to a session based event format, as it allowed for greater interaction with guests as well as better access to the total number of attendees of the event.
More people seen. More stories told. More wine sold.
This report also speaks volumes about how when regional, and or national, bodies partner with us to support participating wineries at the event, they can effectively leverage our audience to not only share the good word of their part of the wine world, but deliver wine sales as a result.
The Tasmanian activation for 2022 is a case study in showing when a region fully commits, the result speak volumes.
Whilst we hope Pinot Palooza is never 'just' about wine sales, we acknowledge it is important to deliver a positive fiscal output to your input.

To everyone who joined us in 2022, has joined us in previous years, celebrated, championed and or cheered from the side lines, we say a massive THANK YOU!
You've all been part of the decade long story that is, PINOT PALOOZA.
The past few years have indeed been a massive challenge for all and especially for businesses who specialise in bringing people together. But we are all 'back' and people are pumped for not only a good time, but to learn more, interact and celebrate their love of the great grape of Pinot Noir.
If you're keen to join us for the 2023 TOUR, or would like to know more about anything, simply register your interest via the link below and or simply email us at hello@pinotpalooza.com.au and we'll get right back to you.
Until then, cheers!